Why the forest? The answer is simple: because children feel much better in it than in concrete buildings.
The landscape shapes us more than we do its. The environment in which we raise our children has a significant impact on them. It shapes the sense of aesthetics, influences their plastic sensitivity, physical and mental health.
Children in the forest, they touch, smell, see, hear, experience, etc. They receive several dozen natural stimuli, and each of them affects the development of the brain. Being surrounded by trees strengthens the immune and circulatory systems, and improves overall health.
The Japanese call going to the forest bathing and they have the term "shinrin-youku" for it. Americans write prescriptions for them. Norwegians prove that children in forest kindergartens have much better motor skills and dexterity than those whose activity is limited to closed spaces. Australians, investigating the causes of myopia, proved its connection with the reduction of time spent outdoors and recommended that children should be at least three hours a day exposure to the sun.
Civilization diseases such as obesity, diabetes, attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome, and depressive states in children are becoming our everyday life. You can seek support in pharmacology, and you can walk to the woods.
We treat the forest as an unlimited natural playground. For us, the forest is a place for walks, discoveries, fun, inspiration, experiences, rest and adventure.
More about research and the impact of forests on health here >>