A child is the greatest value. He has the dignity of every person, and in this dignity he is equal to an adult. "There are no children, there are people" Janusz Korczak
Presence for us, it is accompanying the child, building a bond with him, responding to emerging emotions, questions, inspiring, working together, experiencing and experimenting. Daily.
Nature is an inexhaustible source inspiration, observation, delight, a place of fun and natural experience of phenomena. "As for a child's physical development it is necessary to allow a child to contact the life-giving forces of nature, so for his psychological development the soul must contact all creation. Thus, it can accumulate treasure directly through the study of the forces of nature." Maria Montessori
Emotions play an extremely important role in people's lives. "They are a useful source of information that allows you to understand the social environment and navigate in it. High emotional intelligence allows to predict the behavior of others well and assess one's own abilities, which is essential for a social career, especially in the business world. " Prof. Jerzy Vetulani suggests emotional intelligence training already in century pre-school.
Imagination is the ability to see the world from different perspectives. It is a condition for building knowledge. Knowledge, in turn, is always the result of a certain way of looking at the world. As Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited."
Imagination can be built. The richer our imaginations, the richer and more interesting our world is, as we are able to look at it in an interesting way.
Delight is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. Artistotle
Without arousing admiration and curiosity in the surrounding world, education will only be a collection of information, it will not cross the threshold of knowledge and will not become a gateway to wisdom.
As Plato said, we cannot change anything, any law governing the universe. Science is not making laws. It is discovering them. The child learns through experience, everyday experience, play and movement. “He learns everything without knowing it is science. It gradually moves from unconscious to consciousness, moving towards ever greater joy and love. " Maria Montessori
"Other Tongue it's a different vision of life. " - Federico Fellini
"Bilingualism is an enormous capital, not only linguistic but also intellectual and cultural." Prof. Jan Miodek
In our opinion, enabling a child to learn a different language and express himself in it is one of the best gifts we can give him.
"Help me do it myself." The philosophy of Maria Montessoria's pedagogy is based on praise of independence at every stage of development. Independence is the ability to make decisions, make choices and take responsibility for them and bear their consequences.
While in the forest, children touch, smell, see, hear and experience. They get several dozen natural stimuli, and each of them affects the development of the brain.
We want the time spent by children in kindergarten to be naturally stimulating as much as possible all the senses.
"If people communicated their thoughts only through speech, if their wisdom was expressed only through words, no traces of the past would remain until today. It is thanks to hands, replenishing the mind, that civilization can develop. The hand is the greatest gift that we inherit." Maria Montessori
Intelligence depends on the hand. The development of the brain was and is dependent on how intensely we work with your hands.
As reported by the journal " Neuroimage ", physically fit children have more nerve cells in those areas of the brain that are responsible for processing and assimilating information. Researchers at the University of Granada have found a link between a higher level of physical fitness in children and an increased number of nerve cells in areas of the brain that regulate the complex mechanisms of planning and organizing activities, as well as functions related to learning, movement control, visual and linguistic information processing and reading skills.
"Help me do it myself." Maria Montessori's pedagogical philosophy is based on the praise of independence (at every stage of development). Independence becomes the main goal that we strive to support the child on the way of his growing up. It means being able to make decisions, make choices, take responsibility for these decisions and choices, and bear their consequences.
"Fun in all its rich diversity is one of the greatest achievements of the human species, alongside language, culture and technology. Without play, neither would be possible." Dr. David Whitebread, University of Cambridge
Knowing that trees have power, from for centuries it has been the foundation of Japanese philosophy and medicine.
Expert research in the field of forest medicine, proved that exposure to trees can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, increase life energy and stimulate the immune system. The forest is also the closest to us wild surroundings that it allows you to unleash the potential of free play in the space of nature.
"A child needs movement, air, light - consent, but also something else. A look into space, a sense of freedom - an open window." Janusz Korczak
We believe that even the smallest action can be the beginning of a great change.
Our concern for nature is expressed in everyday life respect for wildlife, care for our garden and the immediate surroundings. We want to show that we have an influence on what environment we live in.